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Posts tagged "NSA Webcam Hacking"
Steve Blank is one of our business heroes - he innovates and helps others innovate like no one else. So we found it especially alarming when he wrote this week about the NSA spying on American citizens. Are they hacking...
BBC: Webcam Hacker: Its like they are your slave
In this terrifying BBC Report, A 16 year-old school boy explains why he hacked into strangers' webcams to spy on them. He calls his victims his "slaves" - but he says he was "just having a laugh".It's not a laugh...
"You're Being Watched" - Edward Snowden
Whether you consider him a traitor or a whistleblower, Edward Snowden's leaks reveal the disturbing possibility that the US government is capable of spying on their citizens through their webcams. Learn about the NSA's capabilities through Snowden's first interview since...
FBI: Webcam hacking next big cyber crime
JACKSON, Miss. —Has a hacker been spying on your family? If you have an uncovered webcam on any of your home computers, it's more likely than you think.The FBI recently reported that webcam hacking could be the next big thing...
NBC News: 'Ransomware' tricks victims into paying hefty fines
Computer users around the globe are being hit by a new kind of virus designed to scare you out of your money. The virus freezes the victim's computer and accuses them of crimes including child porn, bestiality, and copyright infringement....